the cyborg-centric design manifesto


Cyborg-Centric Design merges humans and technology into a unified ecosystem. We're cyborgs, co-evolving with machines.

Design must adapt to this reality.

In the incessant churn of a world where the artificial and the organic are indistinguishably intertwined, where the rustle of leaves synchronizes with the hum of machines, emerges the call for a design evolution - dark, unapologetic, and visceral. The orthodox paradigms that neatly segregated entities into the “self” and the “other”, the “natural” and the “mechanical”, crumble, unraveling an unrestrained, pulsating interplay of beings and machines. We exist in the electrifying threshold where humanity is neither purely organic nor entirely mechanical.

We are Cyborgs.

Welcome to Cyborg-Centric Design, a design movement impregnated built on a fierce rejection of antiquated dichotomies, and a wild embrace of the anarchic beauty of our hybrid existence. Here, in this tumultuous intersection of flesh and metal, of biology and technology, the human entity is not an isolated organism but a stormy, evocative ecosystem, echoing with the silent whispers of both the living and the non-living. Every pulse, every breath, every byte, every binary, is a vibrant testament to our dual existence.

Through the lens of Cyborg-centric Design, boundaries are not just permeable but are ecstatic, feverish paintings of life and machine in perpetual flux. Humans, not as static beings, but as dynamic landscapes where objects, organic and inorganic, dance in chaotic harmony. Our souls, a hauntingly beautiful mosaic of primal desires and algorithmic precision, of biological imperatives intertwined with the relentless logic of codes.

We are not just alive; we are electric. Welcome to the age of the Cyborg.

core principles

The Cyborg Nature

Every human is a cyborg, a hybrid entity seamlessly integrating organic and inorganic elements. Cyborg-Centric Design embraces and nurtures this amalgamation, seeing technology not as an external tool but as an intrinsic component of the human experience.

Object Equality

Following Object Oriented Ontology, all objects, whether organic or inorganic, possess equal capacity for agency and existence. Cyborg-Centric Design strives to design where the boundaries between human and non-human, animate and inanimate, are acknowledged as permeable and interconnected.

Technological Mediation

Technology mediates our experiences, actions, and understanding of the world. Cyborg-Centric Design works respecting this mediation, ensuring that technologies are crafted and implemented to augment human capacities, enhance well-being, and elevate the human experience.

Ecosystem Thinking

People are ecosystems of diverse, interacting objects. Cyborg-Centric Design focuses on the holistic design that respects and amplifies the complex, dynamic interactions between these objects, ensuring harmony, balance, and resilience.

Adaptive Integration

The integration of technology within the human ecosystem is an evolving process. Cyborg-Centric Design is committed to adaptability, flexibility, and iterative designs that can morph in response to the ever-changing landscapes of technology and human needs.